What gives you hope?
That fact that the sun will shine again tomorrow ..
How often do you get your haircut? Describe your worst haircut.
How often SHOULD I get it cut, and when do I really do it? I should cut it every 6 weeks .. but I go about 8-9 weeks .. i think! It is such a production, it takes me that long to prepare! LOL
Worst haircut?? When I was 14 .. the haircut was really, really short .. my sweet sister kept trying to tell me that it looked really good .. I don't have any pictures .. so I don't know!
What's your most treasured piece of jewelry? Why?
Isn't that funny ... I was thinking about that yesterday .. I don't know if I have a "most" .. I would feel to guilty~it's like picking a favorite child! I am not a big jewelery person ..(not to say I don't like it! ;) .. right now all I wear is my watch, I have a bacio bracelet with two beads.... and sometimes I wear a necklace that my mom used to wear.
I have a ring that I love that my mom used to wear but I can't wear it because it's way too big for me.
I thought you would say your bracelet that you and your sissies have.
I love bacio bracelets :-)
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