Monday, October 20, 2008

Manic Monday ..

How long does it take you to get out of bed in the morning?
Hmm that depends on the day! There have been Saturday mornings where I have felt like not getting up at all because the whole rest of the week I had no choice but to get up early! Then there is THAT dog - Demi she will not allow me to sleep past 7:11 AM .. yes, not 7:15 or 7:00 ... she must have a magical clock inside .. but precisely at that time, she gets all wild and WILL NOT allow me to stay in bed.
Then there is the question of coffee ... I love coffee in bed!

Do you usually sleep on one side of the bed or another?
I like my side of the bed .. even when the other side is vacant .. I don't roam in bed!

Something you wish to accomplish before the end of the year: