Monday, December 1, 2008

Manic Monday ..

Manic Monday thanks to Fleur de Lisa.

It's "Cyber Monday" today, the ceremonial kick-off of the holiday online shopping season in the United States. Do you do much online shopping, holiday or otherwise?
I am not a big online shopper .. it's my "fear-of-identity theft-they-are-going-to-take-all-my-money" thoughts .. I have ventured and trusted Paypal on Ebay and bought some odds and ends. I am a touchy-feely kind of gal, so as much as I stress about shopping, if I had to choose .. I would rather go out and shop rather than buy online. (phew .. long winded answer!)

Are you a Mac or a PC user? Why? I use PC all day long .. my kids swear by Mac because of school ... so perhaps a change may happen .... one day!

What website do you spend more time on than you care to admit?
ahhh ... can we say blog?? Actually, I just discovered Facebook, and that has me busy at times .. but I am not a big "stay in one spot" person.


Unknown said...

I made the switch to Mac about a year ago and have been so happy. I resisted it for years!

Thanks for playing Manic Monday and have a great week.

tommie said...

Lisa's blog is one of the FEW I faithfully read...

I did look at a text plan since I have ro renew in DEc....because of you and a couple of other gals!

miss you!! t=

tommie said...

lisa's blog is one of the few I keep up with...

and i am this close to adding texting to my plan...all because of you! ''miss you, t.-